Finally, they are done…

12 different collaterals. 20 unique eye shapes. 300+ wearables.

Concepting. Modeling. Rigging. Animating.

It’s. Finally. Done. (For now, anyways…)

We are excited to announce that the conversion of Aavegotchi Wearables from 2D to glorious 3D is complete! And the timing couldn’t be better, with Gotchiverse3D just around the corner.


What better way to celebrate than by taking a peek behind-the-scenes at all the work that has gone into this conversion process!

And of course, read ‘til the end so you can learn how you can create your own 3D Aavegotchi using the 3D Dressing Room, powered by the Aavegotchi Unity SDK.

Let’s get into it!

Real quick, what are wearables?

Attending an important function in the Gotchiverse and want to look your best? Or maybe you’re competing for top place in Gotchi Battler to grab some GHST stimmies?

Wearables transform an Aavegotchi’s looks - We’re talking clothes, accessories, weapons, facial features and even pets!

But wearables are not just for show, they supercharge an Aavegotchi’s attributes such as their energy, aggressiveness, spookiness, and brain size. Some wearables are also part of exclusive sets. If you equip a full set it will unlock extra bonuses and power-ups for your Aavegotchi. So if you’re looking to give your Gotchi an edge, you need to make the right choice!

Traits on the bell curve.

Wearables also come in a range of rarity levels from common to rare and all the way to GODLIKE. In other words, the rarer the item, the more POWERFUL the attribute boost.

🧠 Did you know?
Aavegotchis were the first 2D NFTs to come with side views — front, right, left, and back.

Why 3D?

Although Aavegotchis were initially minted onchain in 2D, our vision is to create an interoperable gaming protocol where your assets can be used cross-game.

This means Aavegotchis need to work in 2D, 3D, VR, AR, and beyond!

3D also has a heightened sense of realism and immersion, which makes it a perfect companion to our move to Unity.

Behind the Scenes

As aavesome as it is to see our Aavegotchis in 3D, the journey behind it is even more aamazing to see!

Converting 300+ wearables and Aavegotchis to 3D while preserving their pixelated charm has not been an easy feat, but we think we have come pretty close.

Here’s a quick look at the process:

  • First, you unbox the OG 2D Pixel Art. Mmm, that’s a vintage 2020 Xibot.
  • Then you analyze the wearable to map it to 3D.
    • Should we preserve any pixelation?
    • Should the shape be exactly the same?
    • Are there any flourishes we can add that didn’t exist in the original?
  • Then you make a gray-block model of the shape. This helps speed up concepting and getting to approval faster.
  • Once the shape is approved, you move on to texturing, color, and materials.
  • If it’s a Godlike (and some mythicals) you can even add in a little animation.
  • Finally, the big finish — import it into Unity, integrate it with the rigged Aavegotchi, and upload it to the SDK!

Keen to see your Aavegotchi in 3D? Head into the 3D Dressing Room and try it out!


What’s Next?

Today’s release marks the official completion of the 3D Aavegotchis collection, but there is much more left to do!

Planned features include:

  • Exporting your NFT Aavegotchi as a GLB file
  • Metaverse-ready VRMs
  • Using your 3D Aavegotchi in video calls
  • More animations for godlikes / mythicals

We have made significant progress on all these fronts (Walter!), so stay tuned for more updates and announcements here on The Curve and in the official Aavegotchi Discord.

To the Baazaar

Feeling some FOMO to pick up a new item after seeing it in 3D? Head over to the Baazaar, or grab a schematic, core, and alloy and use The Forge to forge it yourself!

Ready to flaunt?

Show us your Aavegotchi’s looks on Discord and share them with us on 𝕏!

And as always…

Stay aavesome frens!

The Aavegotchi Team