Would you like to share your knowledge or experiences with Aavegotchi and the Gotchiverse? Please let us know! If you have anything educational, edgy and Aavegotchi-related, we'd love to add your article to our Editorial section.

Please see our blog guidelines and contributor submission form below.

Blog Guidelines:

  • Blogs should be 500-1,500 words.
  • Original content only please.
  • Article must be relevant to Aavegotchi.
  • All blogs must be written in English.
  • Article must be written with attention to basic details such as grammar and spelling.
  • If your article is chosen, The Curve reserves the right to edit the text for clarity and grammatical correctness.
  • When submitting an image, please send high-quality images.
  • If you need help with imagery, we can supply relevant images.
  • Once a blog has been published we may use snippets or summaries of the content to promote on social media.
  • We receive a lot of submissions and cannot guarantee that we will respond to each one. Our team will read your submission and contact you if it is something we wish to publish.
  • You are responsible for the factual accuracy of your content, and ensuring other sources are referenced as appropriate.