Today we are excited to publish Chapter 3 of the Gotchiverse Game Bible, a public-facing game design document that serves as a reference manual for all things Gotchiverse. This chapter dives into tokenomics for Alchemical Channeling and Guild Channeling, while also introducing the various traits and abilities that can be added to Wearables. The chapter concludes with an introduction of the GAX and its reward token, GLTR.
How a Chapter Becomes Canon
In tandem with the publishing of each Chapter, we will create a discussion thread on the DAO forum where the community can discuss the information presented in the Chapter.
Note: the full Game Bible document will be hosted on the Aavegotchi Github page, which allows for transparency between all edits. We also welcome community members to create Issues on Github with questions about specific sections!
Now, without further ado, let’s start reading Chapter 3 of the Gotchiverse Game Bible!
Part 1: Alchemical Channeling
Confirmed, but not immutable.
What is Alchemical Channeling?
Alchemical Channeling (occasionally referred to as a “Gotchi UBI”) is a basic daily stipend earned by Aavegotchis that comes directly from the Gotchiverse ether, instead of being harvested from the parcel.
How to Channel Alchemica
Aavegotchis can participate in Alchemical Channeling by walking up to an Alchemical Aaltar on a REALM parcel owned by their owner (or for borrowed gotchis, by the original owner) and clicking the “Channel Alchemica” action button. This will initiate an onchain transaction that transfers a portion of Alchemica directly to the Gotchi owner (or into the Gotchi Pocket, for borrowed Gotchis), while another portion will spillover on the nearby map.
How much will I receive?
Exactly how much Alchemica (FUD, FOMO, ALPHA, and KEK) the Gotchi receives through Alchemical Channeling depends primarily on its Kinship level.
The base rate for channeling is 20 FUD, 10 FOMO, 5 ALPHA, and 2 KEK. This base rate then gets multiplied by a modifier, depending on the Aavegotchi’s kinship level (see table below).
Each point of Kinship increases the Alchemical Channeling modifier, by the formula:

The final amount is then divided into two portions – the amount the Gotchi (or its owner) receives directly, and the amount that spills nearby.
Higher level Alchemical Aaltars reduce the spillover rate by 5% per level.
Limits on Alchemical Channeling
Every Aavegotchi is eligible to engage in Alchemical Channeling once every 24 hours.
However, Alchemical Channeling does take a toll on the Alchemical Aaltar, which means it needs to recharge between channelings. Higher level Aaltars have more Spirit energy, which allows them to engage in Alchemical Channeling with a shorter cooldown:
Part 2: Wearable Traits Pool
Confirmed, but not immutable.
Aavegotchis wouldn’t be what they are today without the wide assortment of Wearables that can be equipped to amplify their appearance and rarity.
The Gotchiverse continues to extend the lore and utility of Aavegotchi Wearables by aiming to give each Wearable unique properties that foster deeper, unique gameplay.
We are excited to present the following list of potential buffs and abilities that will be applied to Wearables in-game.
Health Points vs. Action Points
Chapter 2 introduced Health Points (HP) as a meter for measuring the life force of an Aavegotchi, which is reduced when it takes damage or sprints to move faster.
Action Points (AP), on the other hand, are more similar to mana points in traditional RPG games, which are consumed when the Aavegotchi deals damage or makes certain impactful actions within the game (such as teleporting).
Both HP and AP regenerate over time, and these effects can be bolstered by equipping Wearables.
Wearable Abilities
A non-exhaustive list of the potential abilities that can be added to Wearables. Exact numbers will be released in Chapter 4.
The rarity of a Wearable influences the power of its ability.
Positive Godlike Auras (can be stacked)
Godlike Wearables will also have special auras, in addition to whatever buff or ability they are endowed with.
This list is not complete yet – there's plenty of room left for ideation and experimentation.
Head over to the official AavegotchiDAO forum to join the discussion!
Part 3: Guilds and Gotchi Lodge
Confirmed, but not immutable.
What are Guilds?
Guilds play an important role in the Gotchiverse, serving as central points for Gotchis to gather and socialize.
The primary representation of Guilds within the Gotchiverse is the Gotchi Lodge, a special Installation that can be installed on any REALM parcel.
Gotchi Lodges may appear small on the outside, only taking up 5x5 tiles on a REALM parcel, but appearances can be deceiving. Each Lodge actually houses a larger “interior” space, which expands as the Gotchi Lodge level increases.
Lodge owners and Guild members will be able to decorate this interior using a wide array of furnishings, both NFT and non-NFT.
Guild members will also enjoy member benefits such as exclusive text and voice chat both inside and outside the Lodge.
Accessing a Guild
The primary access key for entering a Gotchi Lodge is the “Guild Crest”. A Guild Crest is a particular NFT that must be held or equipped by an Aavegotchi.
By default, Gotchi Lodges will be accessible to any Aavegotchi with the proper Guild Crest in its Pocket (open access), but Guilds can also restrict access to certain Gotchi IDs by requiring Aavegotchis to apply for membership (restricted access) or even designating which Aavegotchis can apply for membership (whitelisting).
Types of Crests
There are two types of Guild Crests – Wearable Crests and Insignia Crests.
Wearable Crests are established Aavegotchi protocol ERC1155 Wearables (such as Common Rofl, or Aave Hero Mask) with limited supply.
Insignia Crests are special ERC1155 NFTs without a fixed quantity that can be minted by Guild Owners and held by Aavegotchi members to allow access into a Gotchi Lodge.
Each Gotchi Lodge can link one Insignia Crest and up to three Wearable Crests:
The main difference between the two Crests is that Wearable Crests endow Guild Channeling privileges, whereas Insignia Crests only allow Guild access:
Guild Channeling
Guild Channeling (also known as Communal Channeling) is a ritual that Guild members can engage in every week to summon Alchemica to rain down nearby from the Gotchiverse.
How much Alchemica is awarded during each Guild Channeling depends on three factors:
- Base Channel Rate – how much Alchemica is allocated, before any modifications
- Gotchi Presence – how many Guild members are present
- Wearable Crest Rarity – the rarity of the Wearable used for channeling
The Base Channel Rate will initially be set at 20 FUD, 10 FOMO, 5 ALPHA, and 2 KEK. This Rate may need to be adjusted by the community over time to prevent going over the Alchemica budget for Alchemical Channeling (25% of total supply over the lifetime of the game, 50% of which is allocated to Guild Channeling).
Every extra Aavegotchi holding the designated Wearable that joins in the ritual increases the total by the Base Channel Rate Gotchi Presence, which results in exponentially more Alchemica being dropped:

Finally, Wearable Crest Rarity Multiplier designates the base rate at which Alchemica is dropped:

Example 1 - Common
A level 1 Gotchi Lodge has linked the Fireball (Common) as its Wearable Crest. Of the 1000 Gotchis available to participate (1000 is the maximum supply of the Common Fireball), 800 attend the weekly event.
We can use the formula below to calculate the final output:

With 800 participating Gotchis, a base rate of 20 FUD, and Gotchi Presence modifier of 1.001x, the total Alchemica that drops will be 24,493 FUD, 12,246 FOMO, 6123 ALPHA, and 2449 KEK.
With only 799 Gotchis participating, that number drops to 24,448 FUD, 12224, 6112 ALPHA, and 2444 KEK, a 0.18% difference.
Example 2 - Godlike
A level 1 Gotchi Lodge has linked the Stani Boat (Godlike) as its Wearable Crest. Of the 5 Gotchis available to participate (5 is the maximum supply of the Stani Boat), 5 attend the weekly event.
With 5 participating Gotchis, a base rate of 20 FUD, a Wearable multiplier of 200x, and Gotchi Presence modifier of 1.56x, the total Alchemica that drops will roughly be 58,000 FUD, 29,000 FOMO, 14,500 ALPHA, and 5800 KEK.
With only 4 participating Gotchis, that number drops to 35,160 FUD, 17580 FOMO, 8790 ALPHA, and 3516 KEK, which is a 40% drop.
By default, each Gotchi Lodge can engage in one Guild Channeling ritual per week, although GLTR can also be burned to speed up the clock (see the GLTR section below).
Linking Your Guild With Crests
Wearable Crests
Before a Gotchi Lodge can engage in Alchemical Channeling, it must first link a Wearable Crest onchain. Initially, only one Guild can use each Wearable.
A Gotchi Lodge will be considered “linked” with its Wearable Crest if its REALM parcel holds a special ERC1155 Wearable Crest NFT onchain.
This ERC1155 Crest cannot be purchased off the open market, but must be won in a Bid-to-earn Auction using GLTR. Auctions will be held every three months for all Wearable Crests, and the winners of those auctions will automatically be transferred the Wearable Crests onchain, thus earning their Guild the privilege to engage in Guild Channeling.
This gives a strong incentive for Guilds to hold and LP their Alchemica, to continue earning GLTR, and providing Guild Channeling for their members.
GLTR paid to link Wearable Crests is not burned, but transferred back to the AavegotchiDAO treasury (90%) and Pixelcraft Studios (10%).
Insignia Crests
Each Gotchi Lodge can mint an onchain ERC1155 Insignia Crest for its members, to allow access to the Lodge without holding the Wearable Crest. The Lodge owner can update the Crest metadata to change the name and appearance of the Crest, but not the Crest’s onchain ID.
Social Gotchis
Gotchis are social creatures who love to hang with their frens, but much like starry-eyed college freshmen trying to attend every campus club activity, they get burned out with too much social activity.
As they gain more experience and become more worldly, their work-life balance improves, allowing them to take on more Guild responsibilities.
Thus, how many Guilds a Gotchi can join depends on its XP Level.
Part 4: GAX and GLTR
Confirmed, but not immutable.
The GAX (Gotchus Alchemica Exchange) is a key piece of infrastructure in the Aavegotchi protocol that will allow games built on Aavegotchi to have stable, deep liquidity for key tokens $FUD, $FOMO, $ALPHA, and $KEK, while also providing a sustainable source of revenue for powering rewards of the in-game economy.
The GAX is a Sushiswap V2 clone, with a few key differences noted below.
Key features of the GAX
DAO-owned Liquidity
A key difference between the GAX and other DEXes is that the GAX is designed to fulfill a specific need within the Aavegotchi protocol – owning and incentivizing liquidity for the Gotchiverse (and other games’) economy tokens.
Each of these tokens includes a 10% “Ecosystem” Allocation owned by AavegotchiDAO that can be paired with GHST to provide a base layer of permanent protocol liquidity, owned by the community. This stable liquidity ensures a base layer of liquidity owned by AavegotchiDAO that will increase over time, without relying on mercenary liquidity from third parties.
Low trading fees
Because the GAX is less reliant on mercenary liquidity, it has the ability to set fees significantly lower than other DEXes. Typical trading fees on Uniswap-based DEXes are 0.3%, which are hardcoded into the contract and generic for each pair.
On the GAX, each pair can have its own custom trading fee, which can be set by the creator of the pair, and updated by the contract owner.
This allows AavegotchiDAO to be strategic about which pairs it provides liquidity to, with the potential of attracting trading volume from other established DEXes.
Trading Fees Power P2E
The final distinction between the GAX and traditional DEXes is where trading fees accrue. In a traditional DEX, trading fees accrue to liquidity providers, but in the GAX, trading fees accrue to the Player Rewards pool–a special allocation of funds earmarked for incentivizing gameplay in the Aavegotchi NFT Gaming Protocol.
This ensures that Aavegotchi has a sustainable source of player rewards income that grows together with economic activity of the network.
GLTR Token
Many DEXes reward liquidity providers with the native token of their DEX. Historic examples include SUSHI, QUICK, UNI, and others. Typically, these tokens are governance tokens of the DEX without much further utility.
The GAX breaks from this tradition by introducing GLTR, a token with no governance of the GAX (that responsibility remains with GHST), but a strong utility.
The Utility of GLTR
Time is the scarcest resource in the world, and in the race to accumulate resources, is ultimately the most valuable. The primary utility of GLTR is allowing players in the Gotchiverse to speed up the crafting and upgrading of their Installations by burning GLTR, allowing them to reach higher levels of the game faster. Every burned GLTR is equivalent to one block on the Polygon PoS network.
GLTR also has a secondary utility, being the main token required for Wearable Crest auctions. Guilds will also have the choice to burn GLTR to speed up the time for their next Guild Channeling.
More in-game utility may also be introduced for GLTR in the future.

How to Earn GLTR
GAX LP tokens can be staked into a Master Chef contract to earn GLTR.
Burning GLTR
All GLTR spent in-game is burned from the supply (sent to burn address).
When will the GAX be deployed?
The GAX will go live before the main Citaadel Release.
That’s it for this third chapter!
Look forward to Chapter 4 where we’ll start diving into Estates, exact Wearable traits, and much more!
View the full Whitepaper on Github, where you can view its progress, track changes, and ask questions.
About The Gotchiverse
The Gotchiverse is Pixelcraft Studio’s flagship title that celebrates the best of blockchain technology. The metaverse is built on Aavegotchi, an open-source, community owned, NFT gaming protocol that unlocks true asset ownership for gamers. In this spirit, The Gotchiverse is co-created with direct input from the community via AavegotchiDAO. Summon your first Aavegotchi today and meet us in the Gotchiverse!
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