Updated 4/30/2022
Today we are excited to publish Chapter 4 of the Gotchiverse Game Bible, a public-facing game design document that serves as a reference manual for all things Gotchiverse. This chapter dives into specific benefits for Wearables, followed by an overview of the rules for building Estaates within the Gotchiverse. The chapter concludes with a discussion of access rights and Land Management.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
How a Chapter Becomes Canon
In tandem with the publishing of each Chapter, we will create a discussion thread on the DAO forum where the community can discuss the information presented in the Chapter.
Note: the full Game Bible document will be hosted on the Aavegotchi Github page, which allows for transparency between all edits. We also welcome community members to create Issues on Github with questions about specific sections!
Now, without further ado, let’s start reading Chapter 4 of the Gotchiverse Game Bible!
Part 1: Wearable Benefits
Confirmed, but not immutable.

Wearables are an integral part of the Aavegotchi NFT Protocol, and the Gotchiverse is excited to build on that foundation by adding specific benefits for each and every Wearable within the game.
This framework introduces two basic building blocks used to assign Wearables:
- Benefit Pool
- Categories
Benefit Pool
The Benefit Pool is an in-game mapping of all potential Benefits that can be applied to an Aavegotchi. As the Gotchiverse game is developed over time, more Benefits can be added by the community, further increasing the amount of available Categories.
The current Benefit Pool is taken from the Wearable Abilities section of Chapter 3.
Categories are in-game metadata assigned to each Wearable, designed to group them into memorable classifications. Each Category has up to two Benefits selected from the Benefit Pool.
With this framework, each new or existing Wearable can first be assigned a Category, and the appropriate benefits can be applied based on the benefits specific to that Category, combined with the Rarity level of the Wearable (common, uncommon, etc.).
This allows us to easily scale the Wearable creation process, by assigning existing Categories, or creating new ones, as the Benefits Pool grows.
Now let’s dive in and look at each Category!
Certain Wearables have also been selected to be used as Weapons with the Gotchiverse.
Weapons are hand wearables classified either as Melee or Ranged Weapon. These special Wearables can inflict damage upon Gotchis (in the Aarena), Lickquidators, Enemies, and Waalls.
Each Weapon will also be endowed with special benefits, such as extra damage to Waalls, extra damage to Lickquidators, extra attack speed, and others. Look for this information in a future Bible Chapter!
Below is the list of all Wearables that will be usable as Weapons within the Gotchiverse.

Full Wearables List
There are too many Wearables to include in a single blog post, so we have created a separate spreadsheet and PDFs with full information on Categories and Wearables.
Happy reading!
Full Spreadsheet: link
View the Benefits Associated per Wearable Category: link
View the Wearables PDF: link
View the Weapons PDF: link
Part 2: Estaates
Confirmed, but not immutable.
Do you dream of being a Gotchi Baron or Baroness? Then Estaates are for you, fren!
A Gotchiverse Estaate is two or more REALM parcels linked together via an in-game linking system. Linked parcels allow building Waalls along the edges so that multiple parcels can be fully encircled to help prevent intruders.
Estaates are perfect for Guilds or owners with large holdings, as they allow for privacy, protection, and convenience.
Creating an Estaate gives:
- Visibility - Everyone to see the link(s).
- Protection - Owner can protect the Estaate perimeter by equipping Waalls.
- Convenience: Owner can empty all Reservoirs in the Estaate at the same time, instead of one by one.
Now that you’re ready to start building, let’s look at some of the rules for Estaate-building!
General Building Rules
1: Ownership
- 1a. The selected parcels must be owned by the same player.
- 1b. Each parcel can be a part of only one Estaate.
- 1c. An owner can create any number of Estaates
2: Types
- 2a. All types of parcels can be included in an Estaate.
3: Proximity
- 3a. Parcels up to 8* gotchis away from each other can be linked (this number will likely be tuned).
4: Alignment
- 4a. Parcels need not be lined up to one another to link, but must at least share a corner.
5: Quantity
- 5a. Lodge Level determines the number of parcels that can be linked together.
6: Clearance
- 6a. Things that BLOCK linking include:
- 6a.1. Items with impassable Collision (walls, towers, etc.)
- 6a.2. Parcel owned by another player is between 2 owned parcels desired to be linked
- 6a.3. Link from another owner is between 2 owned parcels desired to be
- 6a.4. Roads with widths of 8 gotchis or wider.
- 6b. Things that do NOT block linking include:
- 6b.1. Alchemica
- 6b.2. Destructibles
- 6b.3. Background objects like statues, trees, etc.
- 6b.4. Alleys
- 6c. If a potential link is considered BLOCKED, it cannot be executed.
7: Adding
- 7a. If an owner wishes to add one or more owned parcels to their existing Estaate, they can do so as long as no rules are broken. Attempting to add will recalculate the Estaate linking.
8: Subtracting
- 8a. If an owner wishes to remove one or more owned parcels from their existing Estaate, they can do so as long as no rules are broken. Attempting to remove will recalculate the Estaate linking.
- 8b. If an owner sells one or more parcels that are part of an Estaate, the Estaate linking will be recalculated at the time of sale.
- 8c. If an owner only has two parcels in an estate and sells one, the Estaate and its link will be dissolved.
9: No Boxing In
- 9a. If, when calculating a link, one or more unowned parcels or parcels owned by another player will get BOXED IN, a special rule is triggered:
- 9a.1. The center, north-most intended link of the Estaate will be left vacant (not created), leaving an open pathway.
- 9a.2. If no center, north-most potential link is available, the closest clockwise link will be left vacant (not created), ensuring an open pathway exists.
10: Intersection
- 10a. A link cannot be formed if it will create an intersection with another Estaate.
Estaate Building “Connection Waall” Rules
One of the tangible gameplay benefits of creating an Estaate is the ability for the owner to encircle the Estaate’s perimeter with Waalls. The rules below detail how Waalls can be added in a way that will create “Connection Waalls” – in-game walls that connect to form a perimeter, even if there is space between the two parcels.
Creating a Connection Waall
- A “Connection Waall” comprises game-generated Waalls between 2 player-equipped Waalls.
- The player does not actively equip Waalls in the space between linked parcels. This is reserved for Connection Waalls.
- A Connection Waall can be created by the game if the following conditions are met:
- A Waall exists at the edge of 1 parcel and another Waall exists on the closest edge of the adjacent linked parcel. These are called Edge Waalls.
- Edge Waalls can be different levels, but the Connection Waall will be the lowest of the 2 levels.
- No Alley exists between the 2 Edge Waalls.
- Connection Waalls:
- Should be treated as normal Waalls for game purposes (for attacking, allowing passage, collision, etc.).
- Cannot be upgraded or unequipped directly.
Upgrading a Connection Waall
- To upgrade a Connection Waall, the owner must upgrade both equipped edge Waalls to the same level (edge Waalls surround the Connection Waalls) that is higher than the current Connection Waall.
- Doing so causes the Connection Waalls to update accordingly.
- To unequip a Connection Waall, one edge Waall must be unequipped. If this happens, the Connection Waall is destroyed.
Destroying a Connection Waall
- If an individual Waall within a Connection Waall is destroyed, then a hole in the Connection Waall will remain until the owner does one of the following:
- Upgrades 1 Waall on either side of the Connection Waall
- Unequips 1 Wall on either side of the Connection Waall
Rules in Action
There are many possible parcel configurations, not all of which can accommodate creation of Estaates. The following walks through a number of these possibilities to give you an idea of the rules for Estaates.
For the following diagrams:
- Only functional representations of how linking works are shown. Game graphics will vary.
- Humble parcels are used to convey these rules, but feel free to imagine any-sized parcels (or any combination therein) instead.
- Parcels owned by the same player are shown in light blue-green (teal).
- Unowned parcels are shown in light gray.
- Parcels owned by a different player are shown in light pink.
An owner can link 2 or more of their parcels together when they are close enough, even if there is ground Alchemica in between them.
Linked parcels display an outline around them:
If the parcels are too far apart, have a road* in between them, or an unowned or other-player-owned parcel exists in between, the parcels cannot be linked.
Note: The red lines indicate desired links that are considered “invalid” and would thus not occur.
* Alleys do not block linking, only roads (8 gotchis or more in width)
If parcels do not share an edge they cannot be linked.
The two teal parcels cannot be linked in either of the above examples.
If a sequence of linked parcels will trap other parcels then an opening will always be left to allow movement in and out.
Trapped parcels above are a neutral (unowned) parcel and an other-player-owned parcel, respectively.
There can be many trapped parcels, but all it takes is one to require an opening in the linking.
An owner can always add a new parcel or parcels to their Estaate, as well as remove one or more, and the game will recalculate the linking.
One of the tangible gameplay benefits of having an Estaate is that the area between links can automatically create “Connection Waalls.”
Connection Waalls are treated as normal Waalls for purposes of hit points and damage.
The 4 Connection Waalls above would not be crafted or equipped, but would automatically be generated by the game.
The owner must build at least 1 Waall on either side of the link, per side, for a Connection Waall to be able to be created. In the above, there is no valid link, so no Connection Waalls would be created.
More examples of how Waalls would manifest:
Since the above linked parcels share 1 Gotchi distance, only a single Waall is created over the link comprising 2 Waall sections as shown.
In the case of trapped parcels, Waalls can be created, but no Waalls will bridge the opening left to allow movement for trapped parcel(s).
The game will always try to create the opening on the north side of an Estaate if there are trapped parcels within it.
Special Case: Alleys
An Alley is 2 gotchis in width, and does not block linking, but does not allow Connection Waalls to be created.
If the Waalls created on either side of a Link are of different levels, the game will choose the lower of the Waall levels to generate as the Connection Waalls over the link.
In the above example, there are level 1 Waalls (purple base) and level 4 Waalls (red base) shown.
To create this set up, the owner would have needed to first equip a level 1 Waall in the top (to the left of the link), with a level 4 Waall to its right (to the right of the link) . This would result in the top Connection Waall section of 6 Waalls at level 1 (the lower of the 2 levels).
Notice below it that there are level 4 Waalls on either side that result in a level 4 Connection Waall section in between them.
The above example has the same equipped Waalls on the left and right, resulting in level 1 Connection Waalls being created over the links.
If the owner unequips relevant Waalls or upgrades them, the game will recalculate the connecting Waalls to create.
If a Waall within a Connection Waall is destroyed, a hole will remain until the owner either upgrades or unequips one of the Waalls on either side of the link.
Link Up With the Lodge
The above functionality and benefits are tied into the LODGE Installation. The following defines the related Lodge level-up progression.
Part 3: Land Management
Confirmed, but not immutable.

Land Management is a core aspect of the Gotchiverse, as how well you manage your parcel will determine how successful you are in the game. This section covers essential information that will help you make the best choices in your journey to master your yield!
Build Faster with the Maaker Installation
By default a player is able to upgrade one Installation at a time. Equipping a Maaker Installation adds Maakerbots to your parcel, increasing the number of simultaneous upgrades that can be performed. The higher the Maaker level, the more upgrades can be performed at the same time. See Appendix for details.

Parcel Installation Limits
To ensure balance in the Gotchiverse, each parcel type affords a maximum number of each Installation type. Players can mix and match Installations to fill a parcel as desired, as long as maximum allowances are observed per Installation type.
Reservoir Emptying
To prevent repetitive emptying and excess load on the Polygon blockchain, each Parcel can only have its Reservoirs emptied every eight hours.
The timer begins after a successful emptying transaction occurs, and will not be reset by equipping or unequipping Reservoirs. However, spending (burning) GLTR can reduce the cooldown.
Action Access Rights
Action Access Rights are onchain permissions that can be applied to various important actions pertaining to land management. Initial releases of the Gotchiverse may not support these Access Rights, but they will be added in over time. The main three ACTIONS are:
- Alchemical Channeling
- Emptying Reservoirs
- Upgrading Installations
For any of these ACTIONS, the parcel OWNER can set one of five granular permissions:
- Allow Only Owner’s Gotchis (Default setting)1
- Allow any BORROWED Gotchi.2
- Allow SPECIFIC permitted player Addresses (based on an onchain Whitelist).3
- Block SPECIFIC player Addresses (based on an onchain Blacklist).4
- Allow any Gotchi
The parcel OWNER will be able to use a batch function to apply changes to multiple Parcels at once.
Action-Specific Customization
In addition to the Action Access Rights, ACTIONS may also have their own unique rights that can be set by the owner.
ACTIONS: Channeling Alchemica / Emptying Reservoirs
If Options 2, 3, or 4 are selected, the OWNER can also activate a reservoirSplit parameter which controls the % split of post-spillover Alchemica towards the OWNER and the GOTCHI POCKET of the Aavegotchi that made the transaction.
ACTION: Upgrading
Initially, only the owner of a parcel will be able to upgrade Installations.
Delegation will be possible through future upgrades.
Expect this section to grow as more Access Rights are added!
Recipe Book Updates
Since the previous Chapter, we have added three new Recipes to the Recipe Book!

View all the recipes here.
That’s it for this fourth chapter!
Look forward to Chapter 5 where we’ll start diving into Lickquidators, Transportation, Districts, and moar!
View the full Gotchiverse Bible on Github, where you can view its progress, track changes, and ask questions.
About The Gotchiverse
The Gotchiverse is Pixelcraft Studio’s flagship title that celebrates the best of blockchain technology. The metaverse is built on Aavegotchi, an open-source, community owned, NFT gaming protocol that unlocks true asset ownership for gamers. In this spirit, The Gotchiverse is co-created with direct input from the community via AavegotchiDAO. Summon your first Aavegotchi today and meet us in the Gotchiverse!
Official Website: https://aavegotchi.com/
Gotchiverse Website: https://verse.aavegotchi.com
Official Wiki: https://wiki.aavegotchi.com
Official Blog: https://blog.aavegotchi.com
Medium: https://aavegotchi.medium.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Aavegotchi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aavegotchi
Discord: https://discord.gg/aavegotchi
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