Your ultimate guide to the Gotchiverse
Hey frens, it's finally happening! We are excited to announce the release of the Gotchiverse Game Bible, a public-facing game design document that will serve as a reference manual for all things Gotchiverse.
This document aims to complement the lore-heavy Litepaper by filling in information gaps and answering key questions related to every aspect of the game. Thus, it is quite an intense read!
Aavegotchi is also a community-owned game, and we believe this is the perfect opportunity to let AavegotchiDAO work its magic!
This is why the release of the Game Bible is being rolled out in smaller, bite-sized “Chapters” that can be analyzed, adjusted, and finally confirmed by AavegotchiDAO.
Unlike the Gotchiverse Litepaper, which was hosted on Google Docs, the full Game Bible document will be hosted on the Aavegotchi Github page, which allows for transparency between all edits. We also welcome community members to create Issues on Github with questions about specific sections!
How a Chapter Becomes Canon
In tandem with the publishing of each Chapter, we will create a discussion thread on the DAO forum where the community can discuss the information presented in the Chapter.
After a week of discussion, if no major issues are raised, we will create a CoreProp and have AavegotchiDAO vote to confirm the Chapter’s contents.
Unlike the Gotchiverse Litepaper, which was hosted on Google Docs, the full Game Bible document will be hosted on the Aavegotchi Github page, which allows for transparency between all edits. We also welcome community members to create Issues on Github with questions about specific sections!
We have devised a general schedule for Gameplay Bible releases (see scroll below) and will stick to this schedule as close as possible. However, this schedule may be updated to account for new information or issues raised by the community.
Now, without further ado, let’s start reading Chapter 1 of the Gotchiverse Game Bible — the updated Gotchiverse Release Schedule!

The Gotchiverse Game Bible
What is this document?
The Gotchiverse Game Bible is an external-facing Game Design document that gives detailed information about gameplay, economy, and building within the Gotchiverse game.
The information published within this document may generally be considered to fall into two categories: confirmed and immutable, and confirmed, but not immutable.
Confirmed and immutable means that the published information will not change, except via DAO vote.
Confirmed, but not immutable means the information is generally confirmed, but could change if underlying assumptions change. Any changes will be published on all official channels.
Chapter 1: Gotchiverse Release Schedule
Confirmed, but not immutable
The Gotchiverse is a cutting-edge piece of software that features real time gameplay across an open world, combined with onchain “play-to-earn” game mechanics, powered by the blockchain.
Our development team was originally shooting for a launch date of December 2021 for the first release of the Gotchiverse, but this proved to be overly-ambitious, as multiple issues were uncovered during the first Stress Test (ST1), held on December 20th.
These issues are mainly related to building out infrastructure capable of scaling the enormous Gotchiverse with thousands of players, Alchemica pickups, and parcels each taking up significant amounts of computing resources.
We are excited to announce that R&D on these fronts has proven fruitful, and our development team is confident in delivering on the release schedule below.

Gotchiverse Citaadel Release Schedule
Stress Test 2 — January 28th
A replica of Stress Test 1 (ST1) that should be much smoother, with less lag and fewer bugs.
Map size: Small test area

Stress Test 3 — Mid-February
An initial test of “Area of Interest” scaling that breaks the map into smaller chunks for scaling.
Map size: One District
Gotchiverse Land Auction / Raffle 3 — Late February
The third Aavegotchi Land Auction / Raffle combo will be held in late February and feature 10,000 Parcels up for grabs in various Districts.
Citaadel Live Test — Early-Mid March
The first release of the Citaadel with real Alchemica. Will support Alchemica pickups and “Save Points” to exit Alchemica from in-game to onchain. No Parcels or Installation equipping will be supported in this release.
Map size: One District
Gotchi Lending is Live! — March
Audited and perfected, Gotchi Lending will be launched in March to allow us to scale up the number of players that can be online at any time.
The Gotchiverse — Late March / Early April
The Full Citaadel you’ve all been waiting for! Parcel access, installations, and harvesting will all be live in this release.
Map size: Entire Citaadel
Traits Release — April
Aavegotchi traits (explained in an upcoming chapter) will be added to gameplay in this release. Support for weapons will also be added, time permitting.
Grid Release 1 — Early Q3 2022
The first release of the Grid (and Lickquidators) will come in early Q3 2022.
That’s it for this week’s chapter!
Come back in two weeks for Chapters 2, 3 and 4 where we’ll learn about Parcel and Alchemica Tokenomics, Installations, and Gotchi Traits.
View the full Whitepaper on Github, where you can view its progress, track changes, and ask questions.
About Aavegotchi

Aavegotchis are on-chain collectible ghosts staked with Aave’s interest-generating aTokens.
Compete for player rewards by earning XP, leveling up, and increasing the rarity of your Aavegotchi fren. Owned by the community, Aavegotchi is governed by the AavegotchiDAO and the native eco-governance token GHST. Visit today and join the future of DeFi-staked NFT avatars!
Official Website:
Gotchiverse Website:
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