Ahoy, Guardians - The latest Gotchi Guardians build is here!
Whether you're a seasoned player or just setting sail, this update has something for everyone.
Let's dive into the details!
New Guardian: The Pirate
The Pirate is a cunning and strategic Economy Guardian known for resource accumulation and daring exploits on the high seas. With his trusty Treasure Map and Glittering Blunderbuss, the Pirate navigates the battlefield with finesse and flair. His skill trees are specially designed to enhance these items:
Treasure Map
Spawns additional coins upon enemy death, reduces cooldown, extends pickup range, and grants bonus bank at the start of each round for every stack accumulated.
Daash Boots
Enhance mobility and combat prowess, boosting damage output, extending attack range, reducing cooldown times, and increasing movement speed during the preparation phase.
Glittering Blunderbuss
Lowers the cost and cooldown of each shot.
Additionally, The Pirate has a specific tree enhancing his true nature:
Enhances income by killing Lickquidators and earning more resources.
Initially, The Pirate will be available to all players at level 60. However, in future updates, you will need to reach level 15 with the Soldier of Fortune to unlock the Pirate.

Item Updates
Treasure Map
The Pirate's signature item allows him to capitalize on fallen foes. Dying enemies have a chance to drop coins, which the Pirate can collect to accumulate stacks. Activating the Treasure Map grants a substantial bank based on collected stacks. This exclusive item is not available in the shop.
Glittering Blunderbuss
This striking new weapon allows Guardians to unleash devastating cannonball strikes by spending coins. Available for purchase in the shop, it offers a unique twist to battles, ensuring all Guardians can unleash their inner pirate.
New Lickquidator: Mama Ship
The Mama Ship emerges as a formidable late-game adversary, designed to escalate the challenge when summoned onto the battlefield.
This flying Lickquidator boasts substantial HP, making it considerably more resilient and challenging to overcome. Its attack mechanism features a longer cooldown yet compensates with rapid-fire bursts of projectiles, intensifying the threat it poses to players.
Starting off at a leisurely pace, the Mama Ship accelerates once its afterburners kick in, increasing the urgency to defeat it before it wreaks havoc.
Using its spotlights strategically, the Mama Ship provides damage-reducing shields to its allies, further complicating the battle and testing the players' tactical
Prepare for a fierce encounter with its four Ultimate Upgrades:
Energy Drain
Reduces the direct damage output of nearby towers.
Time Acceleration
Speeds up the movement of targeted friendly units.
Heals targeted friendly units.
Tractor Beam
Targets Aavegotchis, rooting and drawing them towards the Mama Ship, where they face instant peril.
With its formidable presence, it is ready to challenge even the most seasoned Guardians!
New Camera Mode
Experience Gotchi Guardians like never before with new camera modes. Toggle between classic top-down and follow Guardian Camera with the X key.
This new camera mode allows you to change the angle you look at your Guardian by holding the right mouse button and moving the cursor around, unlocking whatever camera angle you can dream of!
Want to take a closer look? Use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out!
You can quickly access the different camera modes through the use of the F keys:
- F1: Topdown Camera
- F2: Follow Guardian Camera
- F3: Free Mode Camera (FPS no collision type camera)
New End of Match
We've introduced a revamped End of Match flow to provide players with detailed information about their XP progression and achievements.
This includes:
- Total experience gained during the match
- Progress towards the next level
- Achievements unlocked during the match
New Item Inventory Slot
With four inventory slots starting to feel cramped, we’ve added a fifth slot! Use it responsibly, allowing four-item Guardians like the Knight to choose an item without being stuck to shop upgrades only.
New Shop Slot
With the addition of more items, the chances of getting upgrades for your desired items have decreased. To address this, we’ve introduced a 4th slot, providing an extra opportunity with each roll to obtain the item you're looking for.
- Slot 1: Ability item (unchanged)
- Slot 2: Passive item (unchanged)
- Slot 3: Stackable item (unchanged)
- Slot 4: 25% chance for an ability/passive item upgrade. If the roll fails, it randomly selects from all item pools (which CAN be an upgrade)
Balance Changes
Introducing three new Ultimate Upgrades that can be unlocked sequentially after High Fiber Diet:
- Mechanical Determination: Something has gone horribly wrong with the Lickers. They become immune to taunts and head straight for the Guardian.
- Slimy Tongue Syndrome: With an extra slimy tongue, the Licker’s lick ability now doubles the stun duration.
- Perpetual Licking: The Licker’s lick attack no longer has a cooldown, allowing it to attack continuously.
Additionally, the Licker will no longer ignore taunts from the Bull Market by default.
Apple juice cooldown was reduced, now with an AOE effect and improved VFX.
Dash Boots
Correctly deals damage when passing through enemies, with increased damage and tracking
New Auto-Difficulty System
The new system adjusts Lickquidator HP dynamically based on player spending, allowing for more balanced and extended matches.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Knights Chaainmaail Protocol
This talent now correctly prevents death when above level 1.
Input Improvements
Your Guardian will now cancel a throw if it is moving into throw range and you click to move your Gotchi elsewhere.
Pixelcraft Player Profile Integration
Players now have the option to log into their Pixelcraft profile and connect their wallet.
This integration allows access to statistics related not only to Gotchi Guardians but also to Spirit Force Arena and other Pixelcraft games.
With this update, players can effortlessly unlock all achievements and track their progress, with detailed information available in their player profile.
Whether it's progress in Gotchi Guardians, performance in Spirit Force Arena, or achievements across all Pixelcraft games, everything is now conveniently accessible in one place: the Pixelcraft player profile.
That's it for this release!
What are you waiting for? Download Gotchi Guardians today and check out this EBIC update!