Two Major Releases Confirmed for May
The first 30 days of the Gotchiverse alpha release, AKA the #playdrop, has been an incredible success. The game’s custom built backend has passed this on-chain stress test in flying colors with over 4000 players often competing simultaneously for Alchemica rewards! Guilds have been onboarding in massive ways with the Gotchi Vault, for example, reporting well over 50,000 lending contracts just for themselves! Limited edition items like LE Golden Aaltar have ushered in a new era of craftable NFTs. The fresh approach has been well received with over 1000 LE Golden Tiles crafted in the first 24 hours of its availability. All considered, this month-long kickoff has been the equivalent of a metaverse rocket launch! This phase of lift-off remains on track to smoothly complete on April 30th. But what follows the #playdrop?
Today, we’re thrilled to confirm not one but TWO major releases for the month of May. Social features and utility for REALM Parcels are coming to the Gotchiverse! Read on to learn what’s just ahead for Gotchiverse early adopters!
May 2: Gotchiverse Social Release
Come together!
The next release for Gotchiverse alpha is slated to run from May 2 to May 17 and focus on how Aavegotchis interact with one another. That’s why Pixelcraft Studios will be briefly turning down the volume on play2earn Alchemica spawns and upping the ante on social features like chat and events. One could say this release is designed for our core users, the GotchiGang. Any true metaverse must balance the mayhem of competition with the ability to share meaningful experiences. On May 2 we will get our first chance to try out some of the chat features Pixelcraft Studios has been preparing: Citaadel chat and District specific chats.
Citaadel chat
This serves as the main chat room and is accessible at all times by all logged in Aavegotchis. It takes inspiration from the classic troll boxes of crypto’s past ages (looking at you Poloniex) with low barriers to entry for real time chatter to be constantly rolling through. No doubt, the Citaadel chat has the potential to serve as a community wide space for timely information and probably some humor.
District chat
Players can easily toggle to District chat to join more localized conversations happening in their neighborhood. When the Land Release hits, the size of the playable area will grow to over 30 districts! These special chat rooms will serve as one of the first ways for a district to organize and develop their own unique personalities and even coordinate sub-DAO plans.
DAOs are Social
This Social Release is literally the beginning of a new conversation among our community. A DAO’s effectiveness is often limited by its opportunities to communicate so it makes sense to emphasize such at this early stage. The two chat modes above should be viewed as a first iteration with plenty of room for experimentation. We look forward to the DAO giving live feedback, producing shared working docs, and making proposals to uncover what should be changed or added during this alpha version.
Alchemica Events
Although the #playdrop has concluded, there will still be opportunities to earn some Alchemica, although not as frequently as the #playdrop period. Alchemica spawns during this social period will be as experimental as the chat features. The focus at this time is to see how effectively we can go with scheduled in-game social gatherings that alternate between communication and Alchemica spawnings.
The first of such Alchemical Events is scheduled to cap the first week of the Social Launch:
WEN: Saturday, May 7 @ 10am EST / 2pm UTC / 10pm SGT
WHY: A celebration of the Gotchiverse progress thus far
WER: Gotchiverse District 23 +
Expect a hybrid social experience with in-game chat + Discord voice chat, Alchemica spawns, and who knows, maybe even a frenly game of King of the Hill!
Make sure to join the Aavegotchi Discord and follow Aavegotchi Twitter for any further announcements on future Alchemica Events!
Although the #playdrop is technically over, it continues to live on through spillover events — Alchemica that is spawned on the surface from Alchemical Channeling and Reservoir emptying.
Alchemical Channeling spillover events will be the primary method of distributing Alchemica upon the surface of the map during the Land Release. This means that unlike the playdrop period, Alchemica spawns will likely be more random and scattered across the map.
So keep an eye out for loose Alchemica!

May 18: Gotchiverse Land Release
The Gotchiverse Land Release immediately follows the 18 days of social goodness. Several features and in-game assets will be shipped during the Land Release. In culmination, these updates result in a far more layered game than the current #playdrop offers. First, the world will be expanding significantly from the current two districts to include all districts that have had REALM parcels distributed during the distribution events. That means 30+ districts are in play with every REALM owner able to access their parcels.
Once there, owners will be able to equip any Gotchi Aaltars or Tiles that they have in their inventory. This is key because Aaltars will be live with channeling gameplay ready to go. Once your Aaltar is equipped, you will be able to visit it once per day to pray to it. This results in a spawning of Alchemica in your vicinity (and a % directly into your wallet or Gotchi Pocket!) known as Alchemical Channeling.
There’s a lot of subtle changes here so it’s best to look at each key gameplay update one by one:
REALM Parcels
During this initial land release, all parcels distributed during both previous Gotchiverse Land Sales and Raffles will be accessible. Land owners will enjoy the choice to spawn into the Gotchiverse on any parcel that they own, or spawn randomly in one of District 1’s various designated spawn points. Meanwhile Gotchi Borrowers will exclusively spawn in those same District 1 spawn points.
Gotchi Aaltar
Regular Gotchi Aaltars can be crafted, equipped, and upgraded during this initial release. The LE Golden Aaltar can also be placed on a player’s land parcel and upgraded.
Initially, the Aaltar will be usable for Alchemical Channeling with a 24 hour cooldown per Gotchi, and a variable cooldown based on Altar level. (See Chapter 3 of the Gotchiverse Bible for full details). If the Aavegotchi used to Channel has a high Kinship Score, your Channeling session will be more effective. Good vibes always help get the most out of a Channeling’s Kinship multiplier effect.
It is important to note that once an Aaltar is equipped to a parcel, it will be burned if it is unequipped. Re-arranging Installations will be added as a feature, but not live by May 18th.
At this stage, the Gotchi Aaltar can not yet be used for surveying a parcel’s Alchemica reserves, but rest assured this mechanic is coming soon™.
LE Golden Tiles
LE Golden Tiles can also be equipped to a player’s parcel during the Land Release. Unlike Gotchi Aaltars, Tiles are strictly aesthetic and can be unequipped and replaced without being burned. Through this phase of the Gotchiverse, new tiles will continuously be rolled out for players to mint and customize their Gotchiverse REALM parcels.
Surface Alchemica
Although the #playdrop is technically over, it continues to live on through spillover events — Alchemica that is spawned on the surface from Alchemical Channeling and Reservoir emptying.
Alchemical Channeling spillover events will be the primary method of distributing Alchemica upon the surface of the map during the Land Release. This means that unlike the playdrop period, Alchemica spawns will likely be more random and scattered across the map.
So keep an eye out for loose Alchemica!
What about Gotchi Lending?
Gotchi Lending is continuously available during all releases. Your borrowers will be able to use your Gotchi to collect surface Alchemica just like during the #playdrop, and after the Land Release, they’ll also be able to channel for you.
During the Social Release we recommend borrowers learn as much as they can about the intricacies of the Gotchiverse so that they can be effective as the game’s development evolves. Our blog, Wiki, Youtube, Litepaper, Game Bible, and Discord are all excellent sources of information. Familiarizing yourself with the vision, plans, and mechanics of the Gotchiverse will make for a better NFT gaming experience for all parties, and a stronger GotchiGang as a whole.
We’re excited for these next phases of the Gotchiverse, and can’t wait to chat with you in the Gotchiverse! See you in GotchiGang Social Mode frens!
About The Gotchiverse
The Gotchiverse is Pixelcraft Studio’s flagship title that celebrates the best of blockchain technology. The metaverse is built on Aavegotchi, an open-source, community owned, NFT gaming protocol that unlocks true asset ownership for gamers. In this spirit, The Gotchiverse is co-created with direct input from the community via AavegotchiDAO. Summon your first Aavegotchi today and meet us in the Gotchiverse!
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