It’s happening frens — the Frenly Art Karmic Experiment known as FAKE Gotchis is about to commence, with a cast of world-renowned artists gathered around the summoning table.
We have consulted the Faarmer’s Almanac, and it told us that the FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER would be an auspicious time to launch the collection, so launch we shall!
Contracts will be deployed…
Frontends will be updated…
And most importantly, of course, the ART will be published!
Soon, GotchiGang-natives alongside a group of some of the finest artists in cryptoart will help launch this fledgling art collection into orbit, past the moon, directly into the collective consciousness of humanity 🚀
So who’s ready to FAKE some Gotchis?
Introducing the Summoning Works
FAKE Gotchis uses NFT cards known as FAKE Gotchi Cards to cap the total number of works that can be contributed to the collection. Each Card represents one right to submit artwork by way of burning the card. A total of only 2,535 Cards will ever exist for this initial Diamond Collection of FAKE Gotchis.
The great majority of these Cards will be distributed via tried and true Aavegotchi community methods. An upcoming Chainlink VRF raffle will distribute 1500 Cards in the coming weeks. Dates will be announced soon, in the meantime you can gather Raffle Drop Tickets at the Aavegotchi NFT Baazaar.
Last week already saw the first 1000 Cards won by Aavegotchis on the Rarity Farming leaderboards season finale.
To launch the FAKE Gotchis collection into orbit, however, a significant amount of artistic powers must first be gathered. So in the hours immediately following contract deployment, a select few artists will join together and mint the first editions of FAKE Gotchi works – known as the Summoning Works!
In last week’s post, we confirmed that the Summoning Works include pieces by established crypto-artists creating on Rare Pepes, Super Rare, MakersPlace, OnChainChain, as well as up-and-coming artists native to our beloved GotchiGang.
But that was just the beginning! We’re excited to announce the participation of some major league heavy-hitting crypto artists in the FAKE Gotchis collection.
So let’s give these new frens a warm Gotchigang welcome as we peruse their pieces! 🔥👀
Artist: Skeenee
Publisher: Skeenee
Supply: TBD
Skeenee is the Madrid based Belgian artist obsessed with skulls and anatomy in general. Creation is his passion. Art is his research. Instead of merely copying reality, Skeenee’s focus is to understand what lies behind it, to see past the details and find the essence of things. Every curve has a life, a reason to be, a beginning and an end, a personality. Indeed his genesis FAKE Gotchi is brimming with character.
FAKE: Gotchibot
Artist: Stina Jones
Publisher: Stina
Supply: 100

Stina Jones is an artist and designer, crafting whimsical character artworks, using a distinctive blend of bold lines and vivid colours. Her works have been exhibited worldwide, from urban walls and early metaverse exhibits to Dreamverse NYC and Christie’s Auction House. With Gotchibot, Stina imbues her distinct spirit to the Aavegotchi summoning!
Artist: Nadiel
Publisher: Nadiel
Supply: TBD
Daniel Adum Gilbert AKA Nadiel, brings over two decades of creating to the FAKE Gotchi collection and is rightfully one of the most celebrated Ecuadorian artists in the NFT space (of course Gotchigang is quite familiar with another uber talented artist from the same region). Producer of imaginaries, importer of ideas and visual communicator, Nadiel’s hands-on talent brings an important and rare element to the Cryptoart space resulting in a distinct genre known as Sinceptualism. Today he reveals an IRL stenciled work to help summon the FAKE Gotchis!
Artist: Onigiri
Publisher: Onigiri
Supply: 42
OG RarePepes artist Onigiri surprises us all by gracing FAKE Gotchis with an incredible summoning work known as OPEPGOTCHI. Onigiri is perfectly at home while merging the vivid palettes of Aavegotchi and Rare Pepes together. See how OPEPEGOTCHI seamlessly fits into Onigiri’s catalog by visiting Onigiri’s Pepe.wtf profile now.
FAKE: WizXGotchi
Artist: WizardX
Publisher: WizardX
Supply: 50
Legendary NFT pioneer WizardX minted his genesis editions on both KnownOrigin and Makersplace and now joins FAKE Gotchis summoning works on Day 1. Game recognizes game as this based artist has collaborated with the likes of XCOPY (“Fly Juice”) and Robness (“Insert Crypto to Live”). Continuing on that line, WizardX minted some of the earliest historical #trashart with photomosh tributes as well as XCARDS on Async, Pepe.Hero on Wax, and even a mega early collab on Bullionix with Pixelcraft Studios’ co-founders.
More to Come
The above sneak peek is just the beginning. Look forward to more Summoning Works to be revealed between now and launch day!
Today we showcase both square and portrait works, but remember, FAKE Gotchis contracts also offer landscape works. There are so many talented artists and publishers yet to be announced so be sure to follow @FAKEgotchis on Twitter!
Read the original FAKE Gotchis blog post to learn more about FAKE Gotchis groundbreaking approach to creating collaborative art collections. It wouldn’t be Aavegotchi if we weren’t exploring crypto in new and exciting ways!
This all comes together with FAKE Gotchis launching near simultaneously with a MAJOR release for The Gotchiverse that is appropriately called, the Art Release. Soon, anyone will be able to enter the Gotchiverse to socialize and explore all the user generated creativity together. What’s more, parcel owners will be able to craft display cases to host FAKE Gotchi NFTs as well as events, galleries and more.
The stars align this October. The Summoning is upon us!
About FAKE Gotchis
FAKE Gotchis is a grassroots crypto art collection built on the Aavegotchi Protocol. This official, community-driven art collection unlocks unlimited creative potential for Aavegotchi lovers and crypto artists alike.
Join the FAKE Gotchis movement today by getting your own FAKE Gotchi Card and designing an Aavegotchi themed piece. Artists without a FAKE Gotchi Card can join us in Discord and partner with a publisher!
Fake Gotchi Resources:
Website: https://www.fakegotchis.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FAKEgotchis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fakegotchis/
Aavegotchi Resources:
Website: https://aavegotchi.com/
Blog: https://blog.aavegotchi.com/
Official Wiki: https://wiki.aavegotchi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aavegotchi
Discord: https://discord.gg/aavegotchi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Aavegotchi
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Aavegotchi/
Telegram: https://t.me/aavegotchi
Gotchiverse Resources:
Website: https://verse.aavegotchi.com/
Gotchiverse Docs: https://docs.gotchiverse.io/