It’s happening frens — the Frenly Art Karmic Experiment known as FAKE Gotchis is about to commence, with a cast of world-renowned artists gathered around the summoning table.
The launch of fakegotchis.com is now just days away.
Contracts will be deployed…
Frontends will be updated…
And most importantly, of course, the ART will be published!
Soon, GotchiGang-natives alongside a group of some of the finest artists in cryptoart will help launch this fledgling art collection into orbit, past the moon, directly into the collective consciousness of humanity 🚀
So who’s ready to FAKE some Gotchis?
Introducing the Summoning Works
FAKE Gotchis uses NFT cards known as FAKE Gotchi Cards to cap the total number of works that can be contributed to the collection. Each Card represents one right to submit artwork by way of burning the card. A total of only 2,535 Cards will ever exist for this initial Diamond Collection of FAKE Gotchis.
The great majority of these Cards will be distributed via tried and true Aavegotchi community methods. An upcoming Chainlink VRF raffle will distribute 1500 Cards in the coming weeks. Dates will be announced soon, in the meantime you can gather Raffle Drop Tickets at the Aavegotchi NFT Baazaar.
To launch the FAKE Gotchis collection into orbit, however, a significant amount of artistic powers must first be gathered. So in the hours immediately following contract deployment, a select few artists will join together and mint the first editions of FAKE Gotchi works – known as the Summoning Works!
Today is the third and final reveal of the Summoning Works. The first two reveals can be found here and here. Only nine works were revealed across those two blog posts, so today really is the grand reveal before we prepare for launch.
Read on to be blown away by some of today’s most impactful cryptoartists as well as discover some of the Aavegotchi community’s most talented! 🔥👀
FAKE: ROFL Godlike Apepe
Artist: Rare Labs
Publisher: Rare Labs
Supply: 100
This incredible piece comes from Rare Labs, yes yes, that Rare Labs! This is Rare Designer’s studio! Do you see the homage to #RAYC and Rare Pepe’s? Noone better could tackle Rofl, the uber popular Aavegotchi pet frogs hailing from Rofl Island in the Gotchiverse. This reimagining of the Godlike Rofl is simply on another level and we shall let the King Frog speak for itself.
FAKE: Reminiscing the Devthly Times in Gotchiverse
Artist: VSTRVL
Publisher: 8bit Gamers Guild
Supply: 69
VSTRVL is one of the super OGs in the crypto art space having published works on Foundation, OBJKT, and XCP among others. “Struck by Cyber Devth,” the artist’s distinct glitch art makes for an incredible surprise when applied to Aavegotchi lore. The piece quotes “I told you so” a reference to the Tree of Fud and stars multiple entities inspired by the arch nemesis Lickquidators. Published originally on OpenSea, this 1/1 NFT is held by the 8bit Gamers Guild vault. They are burning the Ethereum layer piece and reminting it as a FAKE with a generous 69 editions!
FAKE: The Citadel Next to The Other Road
Artist: BasqKek
Publisher: 8bit Gamers Guild
Supply: 69
8bit Gamers Guild delivers more super talent by similarly burn-bridging BasqKek’s “The Citadel Next to the Other Road.” BasqKek has been blowing minds for a long time, for instance, his 420 mouth-drawn PEPEs with Basquiat paintings archetype are a must!
FAKE: fakeRoflchain
Artist: Miguelgarest
Publisher: Rizzle
Supply: 69
Famed animator and illustrator, Miguelgarest, graces the Summoning Works with an epic partner publisher, Rizzle! The talented artist and the on-chain visionary of OnChainChain and TokenSmart fame come together to create and publish “fakeRoflchain”! This is a perfect example of how FAKE Gotchi’s dual streaming royalty smart contracts can work to bring the best together and it is well reflected in the dual nature of this alternating Rofl and gotchi inspired chain!
FAKE: Gotchi Ghosty
Artist: BearBrains.eth
Publisher: BearBrains
Supply: 50

BearBrains aka NateBear, has been a commercial illustrator and GIF animator for years, making “weird cartoons for fun and less weird cartoons for money.” BearBrains is also the creative director of Vayner3, a powerful studio dedicated to guiding enterprise into the next wave of consumer behavior. Seeing BearBrain’s distinct style applied so well to Aavegotchi is an honour and a privilege!
Artist: Rigo J Mortis
Publisher: Rigo J Mortis
Supply: 64
Rigo J Mortis hit the cryptoart scene directly through creating Aavegotchi inspired works! His AI gotchi series remains one of the most popular grassroots collections across GotchiGang. Oftentime you will find frens rocking his mystic gotchi avatars. Today, we reveal Rigo’s first original work for the FAKE Gotchis Collection: AAVEGOTCHI 0! There is an entire backstory to this charming character, and 64 of us will be able to collect Rigo’s genesis FAKE!
FAKE: The Portal Master
Artist: eSveeBee
Publisher: The Order of Portal Mages (TOPM)
Supply: 38
Father of a little superhero that’s still trying to control his powers, eSveeBee is born & raised in the country of beer, chocolate & Belgian (!) fries. After leading multiple different lives as an aquanaut, music artist & motorsport enthusiast, eSveeBee discovered crypto art and decided to go all in!
An Aavegotchi OG, eSveeBee is one of the original Aavegotchi Artists who stepped up and contributed to a rare number of community minted Aavegotchi wearables. Can you guess which one? Yes! The uber popular Portal Mage set was designed by eSveeBee! This set even spawned off one of the most popular guilds, The Order of Portal Mages! Today we see that guild enter as a publisher in the Summoning Works!
FAKE: The Great Aadventure
Artist: Cawito
Publisher: Cawito
Supply: 20
Cawito returns to the Gotchiverse with this charming scenic piece. Cawito is also one of the super OG Aavegotchi Artists that contributed a number of popular wearable items. His most famous being the colorful Rasta set! An aerospace engineer by day and big dreamer by night, Cawito has enjoyed creating whimsical works ever since he was young. With Aavegotchi, he has found a space to stretch those talents and share the love!
FAKE: Chubby Gotchi Family Portrait
Artist: Gotchi Bulls
Publisher: Gotchi Bulls
Supply: TBD
Gotchi Bulls has emerged as one of the most prolific creatives in the Aavegotchi space. His popular “Chubby Gotchis” can be spotted all across Crypto Twitter! These wonderful reimaginings of many actual Aavegotchis take on a life of their own with a fun backstory and for his FAKE Gotchi debut, Gotchi Bulls brings the Chubby family together!
Gotchi Bulls has a video game and animation background and loves cartoons because you can make anything happen. His process always starts with a feeling coupled with a reason. Then he figures out why he is urged to get creating and then begins in earnest if the answer is found. We’re so glad he’s found his reason with this beautiful FAKE Gotchis work!
FAKE: The Greaat Waave
Artist: BowtiedNerd
Publisher: BowtiedNerd
Supply: 15
BowtiedNerd is an Aavegotchi OG. He is a huge fan of pixel art and has recently started dabbling in the craft. He draws his inspiration from various pixel art indie games. On most days, he works behind the scenes maintaining the Aavegotchi wiki. Sometimes, he appears to say hi and helps the newbies as an aapprentice.
There are few closer to the pulse of Aavegotchi than Bowtied Nerd and it shows well with this fun, zany pixelart animation “The Greaat Waave”!
FAKE: The Summoning
Artist: DigitalSword
Publisher: The Order of Portal Mages (TOPM)
Supply: 50
The Order of Portal Mages delivers double with this excellent hand painted piece from Digital Sword. DigitalSword is a collaborative of graphic artists, they were inspired by the TOPM art contest and submitted this piece. Now the piece shall live on, minted as a Summoning Work for the launch of FAKE Gotchis!
Prepare for Launch
With the trilogy of reveals complete, we now have a grand total of 20 Summoning Works. These will be the first works published so be on the lookout for an official launch day.
Despite the conclusion of Summoning Works, there are so many talented artists and publishers that are yet to join or be revealed so be sure to follow @FAKEgotchis on Twitter for all the latest information!
Read the original FAKE Gotchis blog post to learn more about FAKE Gotchis groundbreaking approach to creating collaborative art collections. It wouldn’t be Aavegotchi if we weren’t exploring crypto in new and exciting ways!
This all comes together with FAKE Gotchis launching near simultaneously with a MAJOR release for The Gotchiverse that is appropriately called, the Art Release. Soon, anyone will be able to enter the Gotchiverse to socialize and explore all the user generated creativity together. What’s more, parcel owners will be able to craft display cases to host FAKE Gotchi NFTs as well as events, galleries and more.
The stars align this October. The Summoning is upon us!
About FAKE Gotchis
FAKE Gotchis is a grassroots crypto art collection built on the Aavegotchi Protocol. This official, community-driven art collection unlocks unlimited creative potential for Aavegotchi lovers and crypto artists alike.
Join the FAKE Gotchis movement today by getting your own FAKE Gotchi Card and designing an Aavegotchi themed piece. Artists without a FAKE Gotchi Card can join us in Discord and partner with a publisher!
Fake Gotchi Resources:
Website: https://www.fakegotchis.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FAKEgotchis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fakegotchis/
Aavegotchi Resources:
Website: https://aavegotchi.com/
Blog: https://blog.aavegotchi.com/
Official Wiki: https://wiki.aavegotchi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aavegotchi
Discord: https://discord.gg/aavegotchi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Aavegotchi
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Aavegotchi/
Telegram: https://t.me/aavegotchi
Gotchiverse Resources:
Website: https://verse.aavegotchi.com/
Gotchiverse Docs: https://docs.gotchiverse.io/