Another edition of Gotchiverse NFT Gaming Guilds is here! This week we’re taking a peak under the hood at the Gotchi FArmy (Gotchi French Army) operation. The French speaking guild has big plans for the Gotchiverse and was frenly enough to share them with us!
Q. Can you give a brief introduction about your guild and team?
A. I discovered the Aavegotchi project in September 2020. I went deep into the project and decided to create the GotchiFArmy community in June 2021. We started with multiple targets:
● Create a safe place for newcomers in order to discover the project and understand the mechanisms
● Provide tools and intel so they can choose a viable investing strategy
● Participate in the Aavegotchi Ambassador program
A few OGs that joined very early and helped create this community are PG, BeeTheCoin, and Berlin. Many valuable Frens have joined us along the way.
Q. How did you choose the name for your guild?
A. The GotchiFArmy was originally short for “The Gotchi Farming Army”. Quickly I understood that we would bring more value to the Aavegotchi community by providing French services, content, and livestreams as it’s most of our members’ first language.
As a result, the “Farming Army” became “The Gotchi French Army” aka GFA.
Q. Why did you decide to join the Aavegotchi ecosystem and what is your criteria when deciding to invest in or play a game?
A. As soon as I discovered the project, the community management and the delivery rate from the team convinced me that it was not like the other games emerging without clear ideas about the path they wanted to take.
As I said, good team leaders, strong community, delivery rate and a clear vision are key investment criteria I would recommend.
Q. How large is the guild right now? Are you actively expanding?
A. We have a solid base of 100 verified gotchi farmers holding the GFA insignia on our discord. We have around 300 scholars, with a small group of 30 Trusted AAA scholars task force trained by our community members. We have Around 1000 members overall in our Discord.
Q. Which games are the biggest investment of the guild right now?
A. 100% Aavegotchi, LFG!!!
Q. When would the guild decide to drop out of a game? Are there any criteria for that?
A. Never!! ^^
Q. As a guild, what is the most difficult thing you’ve ever encountered?
A. The most difficult part is to organize your community with everyone pushing in the same direction. The creation of our DAO tools (Snapshot / Guild insignia and treasury / Community project) is helping us achieve that and I love the emulation I’m witnessing these days in GFA.
Q. If you could describe Aavegotchi in three words, what would they be?
A. Innovation / upside / frens
Q. What other games is your guild paying attention to lately?
A. Our guild is fully dedicated to Aavegotchi, but we have a place for free speech where our members can share other projects they find interesting. Some of those are DEFI Kingdom and WALKEN, but not limited ;)
Q. What aspect or feature of the Gotchiverse are you most excited for?
A. I think we can all agree that Aarena is the next main feature we are all waiting for! Willing to kick *** haha. It’s definitely going to bring a new dimension to the actual gameplay.
Q. What are the guild’s goals for the Gotchiverse?
A. Having a strong community ready to perform and also having a safe place where Frens can stop to grab a glass of wine with baguettes and saucisson (our Sector is the block between District 1/2/14/15). We would also like to create some Gotchiverse access to our guild tools (Dapps).
Q. Where do you see NFT Gaming in the next year?
A. People will wake up and start identifying which projects have real value in the market and a bright future ahead AKA Aavegotchi!!
Q. Where do you see the Guild industry as a whole in the next year?
A. Very Good question... I’m not a fan of guilds that are just providing services 100% dedicated to generate yield or ROI. For me, the social aspect and frenship side of it is what motivates me to continue creating and building in GFA with our incredible, innovative members.
Q. What qualities does your Guild look for in a scholar? Are there any requirements in terms of time and hardware that they must meet?
A. In line with the answer of the previous question, we are looking for scholars with social and knowledgeable qualities. Our goal is not having a lot of scholars but more to have quality ones dedicated to our members.
We are working on the V2 of our scholarship program at the moment. The beta phase is running and back tested by the GFA admins. The main idea behind this program update is to provide better quality training and communication for scholars and members. We are also updating our gratification template in order to provide a fair share of the revenue.
As for hardware, no verification is performed as we assume that, in time, the Gotchiverse should be open to everyone. We are aware of actual limitations but we are not setting this criteria as part of the access mechanism.
Q. How can scholars contact you about joining?
Scholars joining our discord can claim the scholarship role and gain access to our dedicated scholar section.
The V1 program provided a 2 phase process :
● First the scholars were using gotchis provided on a test whitelist they could access by filling out a Google form.
● When serious scholars are trained and identified as having potential, they move to the VIP whitelist where they get higher shares and lending periods.
The V2 should change that process a bit but the good thing is that we already have a task force of partners ready to play with our members’ assets!
The idea is to get a fixed income salary paid at the beginning of the month for the month to come. GFA members assume Alchemica price risk and the scholar is getting security in the process because most of the time, it’s some money they really need.
We will push some updates about the V2 when ready frens ;)
Gotchi FArmy Bonus
BONUS : As I said, it has now been two years since I joined the project and I want to say that I'm still very confident about the quality of the work provided by PixelCraft Studios. This project made me look deeper into blockchain technology and helped me discover a new passion. I’m proud to be part of this adventure with all my Frens in the great Aavegotchi community and my GFA Fam!
I also want to give a special shoutout to MoulaCryptoGaming and @FifOoO, two valuable GFA members that recently released some massive Aavegotchi community tools:
Where to Find Gotchi FArmy
In the Gotchiverse, you can find Gotchi FArmy in Districts 1, 2, 14, and 15 of the Citaadel.
You can also find and join their community at the following:
Not Too Late to Join

Gotchi FArmy welcome any international GotchiGang members with access to beta versions of their community tools! Check out this tweet from GFA for info on claiming batch 3 of their insignia.
More Guild Coverage
Stay tuned frens, because we’ll be covering more guilds very soon! If you’re a guild manager we may be reaching out to you. To request a feature yourself please contact Big Flex.
About the Gotchiverse
The Gotchiverse is Pixelcraft Studio’s flagship title that celebrates the best of blockchain technology. The metaverse is built on Aavegotchi, an open-source, community owned, NFT gaming protocol that unlocks true asset ownership for gamers. In this spirit, The Gotchiverse is co-created with direct input from the community via AavegotchiDAO. Summon your first Aavegotchi today and meet us in the Gotchiverse!
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