Welcome to “Gotchi Spotlight”, a series of Curve posts featuring bright stars in the Aavegotchi community. This series will highlight some of their amazing work so far. Our community is the most active in crypto, and together we will dive into the diversity that has already developed around their operations.
Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to Nofuturistic. Known for his comedy, debauchery, and his attendance and recording of every single thing Aavegotchi, his impact will undoubtedly go down in Gotchiverse history.
Many community members are contributing to our platform in unique ways which help bolster our ecosystem's growth. This is just the first story we will share with you about the frens organizing in and around the Gotchiverse.
NoFuturistic joined the Gotchigang during Season 1 of Rarity Farming and has become a fixture in the Aavegotchi Discord and on NFT Twitter. A photographer by day ( he even has his own photography nft collection ) and an NFT degen by night, he is the leader of the Music City Gotchigang. He looks forward to fostering an inclusive community of like minded Aavegotchi lovers. He channels this energy into educating and spreading the gospel of Gotchi to the masses through all of these social channels.
Nothing gets NoFuturistic gassed up on a late weekend night like hitting up his local watering hole, twitter shitposting on his laptop, and talking NFT’s with local Nashville rando’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if over time he becomes responsible for one of the most dense pockets of Gotchigang in the world through his network of Gotchilove and charisma.
Since establishing his brand with Aavegotchi he has been an integral member of the Aambassador’s program, a Pixelcraft Studios incentivized team of content creators, translators, and influencers that spread our vision far and wide. The work they do has been incredible, helping keep a diverse and steady stream of newcomers interested to learn more about the Aavegotchi ecosystem.
Many of you probably don’t know, but since starting as an Aambassador NoFuturistic is responsible for the first Gotchigang Saturday Hangout and has been a participant MC and recording artist for almost every one since the hangout’s inception. The Hangout is a hub for the latest and greatest happenings within the Aavegotchi ecosystem. It is frequented by team leads and is frequently home to conversations loaded with that juicy ALPHA.
He was one of the original Aavegotchi social platform personalities and has been plugging away the whole time. This work ethic for all things Gotchi has recently landed him a spot voicing the First Aadept in a community created lore expansion, “The Nine Aadepts”, written by Frenless Summer. Dive into the origin story of the Great Portal and the nine powerful Gotchis that summoned it into existence.

If Twitter or Youtube aren’t your thing, there’s nothing wrong with observing through his operations over on Reddit which he recently expanded to. Below is an image from his recent interview with the Gotchi Vault Managers, Bearded and Dr Wagmi, two of our other long standing community members. Perhaps we will dive into some of what they're doing on another “Spotlight” but for now we’ll wrap this one up.
Thanks for joining us for the first edition of “Gotchi Spotlight”. Hopefully you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I can’t wait to tell you about the next member from our community.
I know you are all as excited as I am to see how far we go with NoFuturistic’s help. You can follow along with Aavegotchi and with his journey at the following places. We thank you for all of your continued support on our mission for a bigger, badder and bolder Gotchiverse.
Nothing left except to go back into battle, in the words of Nofuture’s screenplay character, the First Aadept, “For the Gotchiverse!”.
Find NoFuturistic at:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nofuturephoto
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVg9i9XHFKpstcTSaa6136g
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/nofuturistic/
Nine Aadepts Script: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eQeD6kIznoqRyVI-IlzCNmqYsQDmsDuA/view
About Aavegotchi

Aavegotchis are on-chain collectible ghosts staked with Aave’s interest-generating aTokens.
Compete for player rewards by earning XP, leveling up, and increasing the rarity of your Aavegotchi fren. Owned by the community, Aavegotchi is governed by the AavegotchiDAO and the native eco-governance token GHST. Visit Aavegotchi.com today and join the future of DeFi-staked NFT avatars!
Official Website: https://aavegotchi.com/
Gotchiverse Website: https://verse.aavegotchi.com/
Official Wiki: https://wiki.aavegotchi.com
Medium: https://aavegotchi.medium.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/Aavegotchi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aavegotchi
Discord: http://discord.gg/aavegotchi
Telegram: https://t.me/aavegotchi
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Aavegotchi/